Friday, September 4, 2009

Unforgettable.. ^^

Everything happens on purpose. I used to believe in that. And being part of the section A14 in Humanities was the best thing that ever happened to me this term so far. Things you never expected had happened. New wonderful people arrived. New things was learned. New friends. Another bonding moments. Another day to remember. More happy moments that would turn to memories as days passed by. And, the most exciting of all, new feelings were created...

Philippine Literature. I always wanted a subject that would discuss the things about literature. I like reading some interesting books and writing poems so when I heard that Humanities 14 would be about Phil. Lit. I get so excited and I can't wait to attend the class.

At first, I thought our section would be a boring class. But what happens is the opposite. I got a lot of friends from that class and I'm really thankful for that. I have no idea that we would become good friends. Maybe it's destined to happen. And I'm glad that it happened. I learned new things each day I attend the class and I'm thankful for that. Ma'am Eduarte did a good job making our discussion not a boring class as what many had predicted. It's one of the many things I wont dare to forget for what had happened inside our classroom was meant to be treasured.

What I like the most is when we made our tanaga and make a little exhibit. It's so much overwhelming seeing your work posted in that wide white board surrounded by the decorations we made together. I thought it will be the most unforgettable thing that would happen. Then comes our stage play...

Stage play. Usually, I work as the director or the playwright when it comes in stage plays. But this time, I never expected to play the part of the protagonist. I don't have much confidence acting in front of many people. I'm not comfortable with that. But what can I do? My group mates push me in to do that role so I have to cooperate. Though it was my first time to act like that, I'm glad that we did it successfully. We actually got an award and I'm really happy about it. But it's not the award that really counts. But the bond we have created while giving our all effort to make our play successful. It's one of the most unforgettable experience that ever happened to me this term. I swear. ( ^^, )

Surely, I will miss this section and, of course, our professor. Not only her, but the whole class and my friends. As the story of this term ends, I'm quite sure that there would be a new beginning. Life is unpredictable; so let's just wait for another surprise that life would bring. We would go on our separate way again for next term but I'm hoping that someday... somehow... when we all don't expect... time will come and we could be all together again... in one room... in one section.. with our lovely professor, ma'am Eduarte.


My friends...

Lara- my lovely mistress. One of my closest friend this term. My ate and my mother. ^^
Meg- the cleverest student inside the room.. (also fun to be with!)
Dom-one of the funniest man I've ever met. (sorry puh sa sampal ah)
Abie- the girl I never thought , would be my friend. (mukha xeng masungit.. hehe)
Jordan and Nikko-mga kasabay ko umuwi.. hehe
Edward- thanks for the compliment.. ^^, (kkbsa ko lan ng blog mo)

at sa lahat ng mahilig ,mag-joke sa likuran.. the best mga patawa nyo.. without you guys, boring ang class..


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