Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Pretenders by F. Sionil Jose

What lead Antonio Samson to commit suicide?

Antonio Samson believe that he's a smart man. He got pride of which his sister Betty told him to just disregard, for it's not suitable for poor people like them. But still, Antonio Samson saves some pride for himself. And as he got married by a woman named Carmen Villa, a daughter of a wealthy family, he somehow changes his views in life as he got along by the rich men in a company. Don Manuel Villa has his own belief and as days or weeks passed by, he somehow influences Antonio and the way he thinks. He quite convinced Antonio that everybody has a price and he proved it by buying Antonio's friend, Godo, who he never thought would have a price. Antonio became close to the rich men, the business men, and shows him that they only care is money. I guess he has adopted the belief of the rich men and though he knows it's wrong, he ignore it for the sake of being part of the Villa family now.

Antonio knew deep down himself that everything that's happening to him is the opposite. He know how it feels to be a poor man but then when he join the club of the rich society, he forget all about the poor men. He tried to hide away the things he knows. He closes his eyes to reality that even the 'priceless' can have a 'price' because of poverty. He became numb of all of these things.
But when all is said and done, frustrations and conscience came running down into his mind and he knew that it's better to start all over again. Committing suicide is the only courage thing he could do for himself. "There was honor in death" (Jose, F. Sionil, 171) Yes, maybe there's honor in death and it's the only thing Antonio thought he could get.

In Antonio's situation, I'd rather say that he's just trying to escape it all. He's a kind of man that would keep his thoughts to himself not trying to hurt anyone. But as he adopted the rich man's behavior, and as his father in law used to say that he could say whatever in his mind, he no longer the humble Antonio Samson as he was in the first few chapters. The changes in his character can be seen or noticed as you go on to the end of the story. Antonio Samson knows very well the reality. The reality where people's land was owned by the influential people as what had happened to his family. The reality that poverty is rising but he could no longer feel it or see it for he closes his eyes. He was, surely, influenced by the people around him. His friends, the Villas, his wife, and his haunted past. All of this thoughts, in a small package, came down running to his mind as he go for a walk the night he committed suicide. An maybe, it's the reason why he said that there's honor in death, for 'death' is his only way to pay all the mistakes he have done in his life.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Unforgettable.. ^^

Everything happens on purpose. I used to believe in that. And being part of the section A14 in Humanities was the best thing that ever happened to me this term so far. Things you never expected had happened. New wonderful people arrived. New things was learned. New friends. Another bonding moments. Another day to remember. More happy moments that would turn to memories as days passed by. And, the most exciting of all, new feelings were created...

Philippine Literature. I always wanted a subject that would discuss the things about literature. I like reading some interesting books and writing poems so when I heard that Humanities 14 would be about Phil. Lit. I get so excited and I can't wait to attend the class.

At first, I thought our section would be a boring class. But what happens is the opposite. I got a lot of friends from that class and I'm really thankful for that. I have no idea that we would become good friends. Maybe it's destined to happen. And I'm glad that it happened. I learned new things each day I attend the class and I'm thankful for that. Ma'am Eduarte did a good job making our discussion not a boring class as what many had predicted. It's one of the many things I wont dare to forget for what had happened inside our classroom was meant to be treasured.

What I like the most is when we made our tanaga and make a little exhibit. It's so much overwhelming seeing your work posted in that wide white board surrounded by the decorations we made together. I thought it will be the most unforgettable thing that would happen. Then comes our stage play...

Stage play. Usually, I work as the director or the playwright when it comes in stage plays. But this time, I never expected to play the part of the protagonist. I don't have much confidence acting in front of many people. I'm not comfortable with that. But what can I do? My group mates push me in to do that role so I have to cooperate. Though it was my first time to act like that, I'm glad that we did it successfully. We actually got an award and I'm really happy about it. But it's not the award that really counts. But the bond we have created while giving our all effort to make our play successful. It's one of the most unforgettable experience that ever happened to me this term. I swear. ( ^^, )

Surely, I will miss this section and, of course, our professor. Not only her, but the whole class and my friends. As the story of this term ends, I'm quite sure that there would be a new beginning. Life is unpredictable; so let's just wait for another surprise that life would bring. We would go on our separate way again for next term but I'm hoping that someday... somehow... when we all don't expect... time will come and we could be all together again... in one room... in one section.. with our lovely professor, ma'am Eduarte.


My friends...

Lara- my lovely mistress. One of my closest friend this term. My ate and my mother. ^^
Meg- the cleverest student inside the room.. (also fun to be with!)
Dom-one of the funniest man I've ever met. (sorry puh sa sampal ah)
Abie- the girl I never thought , would be my friend. (mukha xeng masungit.. hehe)
Jordan and Nikko-mga kasabay ko umuwi.. hehe
Edward- thanks for the compliment.. ^^, (kkbsa ko lan ng blog mo)

at sa lahat ng mahilig ,mag-joke sa likuran.. the best mga patawa nyo.. without you guys, boring ang class..


Saturday, August 1, 2009

explication of trees

Trees by Marne Kilates

All in this purple air swirls,

Life hangs on like eggs or pearls;

No wing or claw braves the storm,

Man clings to roots: piteous worm.


"All in this purple air swirls, " It describe that there's a storm and the air was everywhere.

"Life hangs on like eggs or pearls;" eggs represents life. Egg is fragile, easily broken. So was life. It's like that you have to take care of your life for once you made a mistake, you can never bring back the time to correct it.

"No wing or claw braves the storm,
it states that there's nothing to hold on to.

Man clings to roots: piteous worm." it explains that people who encounters storms (challenges, obstacles, problems) hold on to something to survife. To create hope to continue their life.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I saw him in that thick crowd
I heard my heart scream so loud
I froze, a tear on my eye
I just let it go and sigh

Saturday, July 18, 2009

servant girl

The short story made me realized and experienced how was it to be a servant. A servant who wants nothing but a companion. Someone who would talk to you and listen to your grieve. Someone you can be with whenever you are alone and sad. Someone who would fill up the emptiness you feel inisde.

Everyone needs a friend who would comfort us and make us realize that we are, somehow, important and special. That's what Rosa wanted to feel. That even you are just a servant, there will always be that 'someone' that could make you feel special. Rosa, the servant girl, felt it with Pedro, her Angel. It's like having somoene to take care of you when you needed it the most.

Reading the short story gives you the privilege to feel what's like to be with someone's shoes. For instance, becoming a servant. It is a touching and inspiring story. A story where you can learn some important things.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Nick Joaquin and Jessica Zafra

Nick Joaquin

Nicomedes Márquez Joaquín, usually known as Nick Joaquin (May 4, 1917April 29, 2004), was a Filipino writer, historian and journalist, best known for his short stories and novels in the English language. He also wrote using the pen name Quijano de Manila. Joaquin was conferred the rank and title of National Artist of the Philippines for Literature.

Joaquín deeply admired José Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines. Joaquín paid tribute to Rizal by way of books such as The Storyteller's New Medium - Rizal in Saga, The Complete Poems and Plays of Jose Rizal, and A Question of Heroes: Essays in Criticism on Ten Key Figures of Philippine History. He also translated the hero's valedictory poem, "Land That I Love, Farewell!"
Joaquín served as a member of the Philippine Board of Censors for Motion Pictures under President Diosdado Macapagal and President Ferdinand E. Marcos. According to writer Marra PL. Lanot, Joaquín was untouched by Marcos' iron fist. Joaqun's first move as National Artist was to secure the release of imprisoned writer José F. Lacaba. Later, at a ceremony on Mount Makiling attended by First Lady Imelda Marcos, Joaquín delivered an invocation to Mariang Makiling, the mountain's mythical maiden. Joaquín touched on the importance of freedom and the artist. As a result, for the remainder of the Marcos regime, Joaquín no longer received invitations to address important cultural events.

(image source:

Jessica Zafra

She won first place in the 1991 Carlos Palanca Memorial Award for "Portents" Being a sore loser that she admits she is, she won two more times but didn't mention what articles it were because they were only third placers.In 1985, she was a University of the Philippines Summer Writer's Workshop Fellow, and in 1996, she was University of the Philippines Creative Writing Center National Fellow.


(image source:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Just like a star

There's always a star since before we open our eyes and see this world.

The ancient people can create literature, maybe, without them knowing it. I can compare it to a star for it can inspire you without any reason at all. I mean, you can stare at the stars and feel inspired. Every twinkling of it reminds us that literature will always be alive.

Literature will always be a part of our lives just like the stars that's always above us giving us light and inspiration to create beauty and share it to other people.